North West

Maryanne Royle

Maryanne Royle

Working site specifically and with time-based media, Maryanne creates immersive and poetic experiences relevant to the heritage and character of places. Maryanne is a neurodivergent artist from Rochdale whose work was described by The Quietus as a “hauntology-laced dispatch of prime strangeness” part of what they refer to as “New Weird Britain”. 

Maryanne has exhibited internationally and has worked with Arts Council England, Manchester International Festival, Leeds 2023, and was shortlisted for 'Cultural Champion' at Rochdale Sports and Culture Awards 2023. 

Maryanne is a member of percussive experimental band Prangers, Programme Manager of Ebor Studio Group, and Website and Newsletter Coordinator for Rochdale Creates.



Galleries & Exhibitions History & Heritage Museums Music Performing arts Photography Visual Arts (incl Fine Arts, Sculpture)

Contact Details

Maryanne Royle


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